For popular consumer brands, staying authentic while talking about what's great about your products is a constant challenge. How do you tell people all the virtues of what you do without eliciting an eye roll from those wary of sales pitches?
Every day people are often your best spokespeople. That's why one of the answers to this question is user-generated content (UGC).
Customers consistently talk about your products on social media; many of them are thrilled with their purchases and want to share their experiences. A good UGC strategy helps you amplify that excitement.
Created in partnership with HubSpot, learn all the secrets to making UGC work for your brand and what makes it so effective, including:
The best steps to take to launch a UGC program, using all sorts of content that's already out there waiting for you to find it
Various types of UGC, the advantages and challenges to each, along with what sorts of brands each is best suited for
Hubspot research that highlights how consumers view UGC as the most authentic form of marketing.
If your team is considering getting going with UGC or just looking to get a better foothold on your current UGC strategy, download this guide today to get all the insights you need.