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Report: Meeting the demands of the modern customer

A deep dive into the importance of social influence

With access to the thoughts of millions of people just like them via social media and various marketplaces, consumers have never felt more empowered to seek out authentic, real-life opinions before they make purchasing decisions.

Beyond traditional ratings and reviews, consumers also seek out customer ratings, reviews, and user-generated content (UGC) along their journey to becoming a buyer.

To better understand what really matters to people as they consider a purchase, Emplifi collaborated with Harris Interactive to survey more than 2,000 people about their habits and priorities during that process, and the power of brand authenticity across each step of the customer journey.

This report will provide you with real-world insight into consumer viewpoints on:

  • How and why customer ratings, reviews, and UGC inform consumer purchasing decisions today

  • Which forms of social proof are considered more authentic, leading to greater trust in the opinions being expressed

  • The value of product research and community-generated content depending on if they’re a member of Gen X, Millennials, or Gen Z

Fill out the form to gain consumer insights that will help you know how your target audience wants you to talk to them, and the kinds of social proof that will help you reach them in the most effective and real way possible.

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