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Social Media Listening: What to know about this essential marketing tool in 2021

The uptake of social listening by the world’s most powerful brands is accelerating. This creates a competitive advantage for the brands and marketers who understand how to use it, as they leverage the troves of consumer data generated every second.

Many businesses have been slow to upgrade their core marketing functions. However, this guide shares key insights and findings that show why a strong social listening setup is essential in marketing analytics, and where it should fit into your CX strategy. But most importantly, how it can help you leap ahead of your competitors with next-generation marketing and customer care.

Insights From the Report:

  • Understanding the difference between social listening vs. social monitoring is key to benefiting from the tool’s long-term benefits.

  • A 2020 survey (early during the COVID-19 pandemic) found only half of marketers turned to social listening tools for rapid consumer insights, highlighting a potential gap in targeted first-party audience insights for brands during unique times.

  • A recent study found that only 8% of brands leveraged a social listening solution primarily for competitive research and analysis.

  • As a clear use case showing where social listening can help brands analyze changes in audience sentiment at scale, the average number of comments posted to the top 10 Airline pages on Facebook increased fivefold from February 2020 to March 2020 (in the early days of the pandemic).


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